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Self-Publishing Your Book
How to Become an Industry Thought Leader

For Consultants, Coaches, Business Executives, Medical Practitioners, and Other Professionals

Today’s world is filled with individuals claiming to be experts; all of them ready and willing to provide companies and organizations with their personal insights. But with so many of these people making the same claims, how can an organization correctly identify the real thought leaders?


By publishing your book and becoming the recognized Thought Leader in your industry; the go-to person that potential clients seek out when they are confronted by a competitive challenge or a difficult problem they need to solve.  Think of it. Think of all of the senior executives who were previously difficult to reach and connect with.  Think of all the companies and organizations and institutions that need your services. Think of all the revenue they represent. Once you publish your book, all of these groups and individuals will suddenly be chasing after you, asking for your advice and wisdom. All at a premium price.

Traditional Publishing is Costly and Time Consuming


It used to be that getting your book placed in a bookstore was the holy grail of publishing.  Not anymore.  Today, fewer and fewer of those bookstores exist.  According to the American Booksellers Association, more than 20 percent of independent bookstores across the country are in danger of closing. Even Barnes & Noble is struggling to get by.


Publishers hate risks.  And first-time authors are a big risk.  If you were a publisher, would you invest your time and money on a writer with no following or name recognition?  Better to go with the successful authors who can guarantee them a profit.


A traditional publisher can receive up to 1,000 submissions each year, either through a literary agent or as unsolicited manuscripts. Most will only consider a book submitted through a literary agent. Even then, none of these publishers has either the time or the staff to wade through all of the submittals.  Is it any surprise then that less than 1% of these books ever find their way into print?


The New World of Self-Publishing


The traditional publishing industry is rapidly being replaced by something far more vibrant, exciting and profitable:  self-publishing. Today, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, business consultants, corporate executives and other professionals are publishing their books without any prior writing or marketing experience.   Many are doing it in just three months.


Embrace the old model and all you’re doing is setting yourself up for failure.  But if you take advantage of the opportunities that are part of the new online publishing industry -- including innovative ways to market, promote and publicize your book -- your chances of becoming a published author and Thought Leader will dramatically increase.

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